| 1. | Class actions by investors to seek redress 投资者进行集体诉讼索偿 |
| 2. | You must seek redress in the law courts for the damage to your car 你的车子受到了损坏,你应当通过法律途径要求赔偿。 |
| 3. | An individual can seek redress before the court if the power of government is exceeded or abused 政府如有越权或滥用权力,任何人都可以向法院申诉。 |
| 4. | An individual can seek redress before the court if the power of government is exceeded or abused 政府如有越权或滥用权力,任何人都可以向法院申诉。 |
| 5. | Victims shall have the right to seek redress by way of civil proceedings under appropriate circumstances 受害者有权寻求赔偿当情况下循民事欣讼寻求补偿。 |
| 6. | Can want insurance gold to insurance company already , tell enroach on person to the court again seek redress gold 能不能既向保险公司要保险金,又向法院告侵害人要求赔偿金 |
| 7. | Going to court to uphold a patent costs a company a minimum of $ 1 . 5m ; that may oblige innocent firms to pay to settle and prevents infringed parties from seeking redress 企业利用法律武器维护一个专利权最起码要花150万美元;那样只会鼓励无辜的公司花钱私了,并阻碍被侵权方寻求赔偿。 |
| 8. | Whether it will formulate clear guidelines regarding the application and enforcement of the above provision for management staff to follow , and establish an appeal channel for the affected civil servants to seek redress ; if not , of the reasons for that 会否就上述条文的应用和执行制订清晰的指引供管理人员遵从,并设立上诉机制,让受影响的公务员作出申诉若否,原因为何? |